Message from Melinda -
You should be completing a draft of your Credo soon, so that you have time to revise and polish it before May.
What Do Unitarian Universalists Believe?
You should be completing a draft of your Credo soon, so that you have time to revise and polish it before May.
Do be sure you are finding time to meet together at least once per month, and check in with one another more often. Youth, at your meetings, be prepared to tell your mentor what you've been working on, what
questions you have, and what support you need. Parents, you may want to talk through this with your youth before they meet with their mentor.

I've heard that some of you may be struggling with the readings in the UU Primer, or knowing what to talk about. Here are some possible discussion questions to use when you meet together.
Remember, you may choose which readings to use. You may choose to read them separately and then discuss; or, since they are short, you might want to read them aloud together.
Remember, you may choose which readings to use. You may choose to read them separately and then discuss; or, since they are short, you might want to read them aloud together.
What Do Unitarian Universalists Believe?
"Does the description of what Unitarian Universalists believe in this chapter fit with what you believe?"
"Are there answers to the 5 questions to ask about any religion Rev. James shared with us in this description? (Who has the authority for what you believe? What is the universe like? What are people like? What should society be like? What's the purpose of a religious community?)"
"How would you answer the question, what do Unitarian Universalists believe?"
All Are Welcome
"How did you and/or your family come to Unitarian Universalism (or Saltwater Church)?"
"Are you a lifelong Unitarian Universalist?"
"What is your earliest memory of Saltwater Church?"
"Do you feel that Saltwater is welcoming to new people? Are there ways you think we could be more welcoming?"
Chalice Lightings, Worship Readings, Spirit of Life, We Gather Together
"What has been your experience with worship? What do you enjoy or find meaningful? Are there aspects of worship that you find challenging or unappealing?"
"Do any of these readings or songs speak to you? Why? If you were composing a book like this, what readings or songs might you include?"
Religious Education
"What has been your experience with religious education?"
"What would you like to learn more about in your religious education?"
Social Justice
"What social justice work have you observed being done by people in our congregation?"
"What areas of social justice do you feel drawn towards? How have you worked to further those goals, or how might you?"
The Story of Unitarian Universalism
"What themes can you identify in the history of Unitarian Universalism?"
"Are you surprised at how far back in history our roots go? Why or why not?"
"What events in this history are familiar to you?"